The card has a high-risk transaction limit of no more than $200 and no more than 3 transactions per day on the following MCC:
- 4814 Telecommunication Service;
- 4816 Computer network/Informatio;
- 4899 Cable services;
- 5045 Computers/Peripheral/Softwr;
- 5399 Miscellaneous general merch;
- 5499 Miscellaneous food stores;
- 5655 Sports apparel,riding app.s;
- 5712 Furniture,home furnishings;
- 5719 Miscellaneous house furnish;
- 5732 Electronic Sales;
- 5734 Record shops;
- 5735 record shops;
- 5815-5818 Digital Goods – Games;
- 5960 Direct Marketing- Insurance
- 5964 Direct Marketing-Catalog Me;
- 5965 Direct Marketing-Combinatio;
- 5967 Direct Marketing-Inbound Te;
- 5968 Direct Marketing-Continuity;
- 5999 Miscellaneous & specialty r;
- 6012 Financial institutions;
- 6051 Foreign Currency,Money,TC's
- 6211 Security Brokers/Dealers;
- 6538 MoneySend Funding;
- 6540 POI Funding Transactions;
- 7273 Dating Services;
- 7278 Buying/shopping services;
- 7299 Other Services (Not Elsewhe;
- 7311 Advertising services;
- 7372 Computer and data processin;
- 7379 Computer Main/Repair service;
- 7392 Management, consulting;
- 7399 Business services;
- 7841 DVD/Video Tape Rental Store;
- 7993 video amusement game suppli;
- 7994 Video games arcades/establi;
- 8398 Charitable Contributions;
- 8641 Civic,social & Fraternal As;
- 8999 Services,not elsewhere clas;